Beauracracy Beauracracy and more Beauracracy In all seriousness. If you're looking for the branches, its Judicial, executive, and legislative. If you're looking for levels of government per se. you could consider it set up as: Local, Regional, state rep. state Senator. Cabinet. Vice President, President. And the department of defense is somewhere stuck in between cabinet and the President. Hope i helped.
Government has many levels and your questions is very general, so I will answer generally. In terms of the court system, each state has a court system with circuit courts, a court of appeals and a State Supreme Court. Any decisions of a state's Supreme Court are binding on the residents of that state. The federal judiciary has district courts in each state, at least one court of appeals in each state and the Supreme Court in Washington DC. Generally speaking federal law takes precedence over state law. Decisions of the US Supreme Court in Washington DC are binding on all citizens of this country.
The basic levels of Government are federal, state and local. The federal Government looks after the whole state, the state Government looks after and organises things for the state and the local Government does everything up to organising stuff to telling builders where to put street signs!
The 3 levels of the U.S. government are: -State Government -Local Government -National Government
yes there is different levels of government for each state
state government federal government
The three levels of government are:The central governmentState governmentsLocal self-government
divided between national govt and lower levels of govt.
what is the mayor's level of government
The 3 levels of the U.S. government are: -State Government -Local Government -National Government
In the United States there are three basic levels of government, They are:* Federal government; * State government; and * Local government.
yes there is different levels of government for each state
The three levels of government are State, Federal,and Property
Canada has 3 levels of government because if there was only one that one government could not do everything so the divided it into 3 levels of government so every level has there own jobs and responsibility's!
Federal Government, Provincial Government, Local Government
growing levels of government spending <------------------ APEX :)
The Levels of Government from Highest to lowest is:The Federal,the Provincial,Territorial,and the Municipal level.
Local, state, and federal are the 3 levels of government in Australia. Australia has a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy form of government.
The three levels of government are federal, provincial and municipal.
state government federal government