The Founders of the United States believed there to be a natural inheritance of rights to all people. Some of those individual rights are: the right to assembly, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom from unreasonable search and seizures.
The Bill of Rights is formed by Amendments to the US Constitution that confer rights onto US citizens. Those rights include the right to bear arms, the right to freedom of the press, the right to freedom of religion, the right to freedom from unreasonable searches, and the right to a fair trial.
Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press are three. Freedom of Speech is the right to say what you want as long as you're not threatening anybody. Freedom of Religion states that you can practice whichever religion you prefer to practice. Freedom of the Press states that the government can't control the media. Cruel and unusual punishment is not allowed and all rights not specifically granted to the Federal Government of the United States of America are reserved to the states. Cruel and Unusual Punishment states that nobody can sentence you to a cruel punishment or unusual punishment (being slapped in the face by a piece of bologna). The Tenth Amendment states that all rights not specifically granted are reserved for the states which is pretty self-explanatory.
The question seems to be limited to the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, not the whole Bill of Rights.
Bill of Rights-
Freedom of religion- right to choose your own religion
Right to assemble peacefully
Right to speak your mind
Right for the media to cover any piece they want
Right to petition against the government or more specifically, laws
Right to a trial by jury
Right to not quarter soldiers
Right to bear arms
Just Google the Amendments/Bill of Rights and you'll find a lot of rights.
Hope I helped :)
There was a point in the drafting process when the United States Constitution did not include a Bill of Rights, which was the primary sticking point in terms of ratification. A Bill of Rights did get added.
Bill of Rights.... ....the Bill of Rights is made up of the first 10 amendments to the Constitution (like stuff they forgot to write).
Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights was passed due to the objections of the anti-federalists. They protested that the Constitution does not contain a list of rights for the citizens of the United States.
Bill of Rights
a list of individual rights would be protected by law
AnswerAnti-federalists were worried that the Constitution did not show individual rights so, they wrote the Bill of Rights to list the rights that the people should have.
the first ten amendments to the U.S constitution , added in 1791, and constitution, added in 1791, and consisting of a formal list of citizens' rights and freedoms.
Not is a list of all our individual rights as citizens. States have every right except the few listed in us constitution.....states actually have more power constitutionally than the feds.
There was a point in the drafting process when the United States Constitution did not include a Bill of Rights, which was the primary sticking point in terms of ratification. A Bill of Rights did get added.
The first ten amendments to the Constitution contain a list of individual rights and liberties. The Bill of Rights limits the powers of government. Its basic purpose is to protect two kinds of rights: individual rights, such as freedom of speech and press, and the rights of persons accused of crimes, like the right to trial by jury.
Bill of Rights.... ....the Bill of Rights is made up of the first 10 amendments to the Constitution (like stuff they forgot to write).
Bill of Rights
The bill of rights provide the list of basic rights and freedoms. While the constitution is the foundation of how government works.
lack of constitutional authority
The Bills of Rights, 1st and 14th Amendments
The Bill of Rights was passed due to the objections of the anti-federalists. They protested that the Constitution does not contain a list of rights for the citizens of the United States.