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12 (It's every colony besides Georgia.)

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Q: List the colonies that sent representatives to the First Continental Congress?
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What was formed by the representatives of 12 of 13 colonies?

Because the questions uses the word "colonies," I'm assuming that you mean the Continental Congress.

Why was it called the 1st continental congress?

It was the first meeting where representatives were present from all 13 colonies.

What group formulated a statement explaining the fair relationship between the colonies and Britain?

the First Continental Congress. the First Continental Congress. the First Continental Congress. the First Continental Congress.

The meeting held by representatives of the colonies to discuss independence was the .?

First continental congress

What was the british legislation that prompted colonists to hold the first continental congress?

The representatives of the First Continental Congress gathered to discuss their response to the British "Intolerable Acts." These laws were passed to punish the colonies for the Boston Tea Party.

What powers did congress acquire in the second continental congress?

The first Continental Congress brought together representatives from each of the colonies ,except Georgia to discuss their response to the British Intolerable Acts. The members agreed to boycott British goods

What powers did the Congress acquire in the second Continental Congress?

The first Continental Congress brought together representatives from each of the colonies ,except Georgia to discuss their response to the British Intolerable Acts. The members agreed to boycott British goods

Representatives from the colonies met in 1774 for?

Representatives from the 13 colonies, except Georgia, met for what became the first Continental Congress. They came togetheroppose British policies that restricted their rights and taxed them without representation in Parliament

Why did the first continental meet?

The first Continental Congress met because colonists were unhappy with the rules that England was giving them. Representatives from different colonies discussed how much control British Parliament should have over the colonies and agreed that Britain was passing laws that it had no right to pass. The First Continental Congress met due to the passage of the Intolerable Acts or Coercive Acts.

Which colonies did not participate in the first continental congress?


How did first continental congress get its name?

it was named that because it was the first congress to get together in the 13 colonies

What did representatives at the first continental congress to do?

boycott all british goods