The revolt of 1857 is called by different names which are ` Indian rebellion of 1857, First war of Indian independence, `sepoy rebellion, Indian mutiny ...
There was a threat to British rule in India, when native Indian soldiers of the British army rose in revolt in 1857 against their British officers. They had many problems with the company. The revolt came after the incidence of greased cartridges. A rumour was spread that grease of the cartrdges, whose end had to be bitten off before loading the newly introduced Enfield rifle was made of beef or pig fat ...
This hurt the religious feelings of both the Hindus and the Muslims. The Hindus consider the cow a sacred animal and the Muslims consider pig as unclean ...
On 9th may at Meerut, soldiers refused to use these cartridges as they felt that the British were trying to destroy their religion. Therefore of the Indian regiments shot down their officers, broke open the prisons and set free their jailed fellow soldiers ...
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The Indian revolt in 1857 is often called the Sepoy Mutiny. This is because its participants were Indian soldiers in the British army, who were called Sepoys.
Just go to Google Images and type :´1857 revolt´. There they are.
The revolt of 1857 is known byIndian historians as war of independence as it was an attempt for the Indians to throw off the shackles of foreign domination . Britishers call this revolt The Indian mutiny as they considered the events of 1857 as a revolt against their authority over India
With the fall of Gwalior, the 1857 war ended and the so called sepoy mutiny was quashed. It also spelled end of East India company in India and British government took direct control of the sub-continent. Following few years were very tough for native Indians who faced backlash for the mutiny specially Muslims who were blamed by the British to be the leaders of the revolt.
The word revolt is a noun. The noun form of 'to revolt' is revolution (which is also the noun for revolve). The gerund/verbal noun for the ongoing process is revolting. The person involved in a revolt is a revolutionary (also used as an adjective).
James Buchanan 15th President: 1857-1861
meerut delhi kanpur jhansi gwalior lucknow barrackpore
bahadur shah zafar
bahadur shah zafar
antecedents of 1857 revolt
The Doctrine of Lapse is the main reason.
Led the revolt in 1857
The revolt of 1857 was an event of great magnitude but is didn't end the British rule in India. This was because the uprising was not well co-ordinated and there was no centralized leadership. Lack of UNITY was the main cause of the failure of the Revolt of 1857.
mangal pandey started 1857 revolt.
This revolt was known as the war between Mexico and the US. The main issue at hand during the time was land and property, and who claimed what.
compare the french revolution with revolt of 1857under these topics; 1 when was it stated 2 centers of revolts or revolution fill them in map 3 heroes of revolt and revolution[with pictures] 4 three immediate causes
Just go to Google Images and type :´1857 revolt´. There they are.