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Is this Piltdown Man ?

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Q: Name of hominid hoax man
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What is another name for a hominid?

alien hominid

Was the turkana boy a hoax?

No, he´s very real. He´s an early hominid, either Homo erectus or Homo ergaster.

What scientific name for the hominid ardi?

The scientific name for the hominid Ardi is Ardipithecus ramidus. It is an extinct hominid species that lived around 4.4 million years ago.

Why did scholars name an early hominid group Homo habilis which means and ldquohandy man and?

Scholars named the early hominid group Homo habilis "handy man" because it was believed to have been the first hominid to use stone tools. The name reflects their perceived ability to manipulate objects and their environment, indicating a higher level of tool-making compared to earlier hominids.

Which turned out to be a hoax?

The Piltdown man

Which of these turned out to be a hoax?

The Piltdown Man

Is the claim that Lucy is a hoax supported by scientific evidence?

No, the claim that Lucy is a hoax is not supported by scientific evidence. Lucy, the fossil of a hominid species called Australopithecus afarensis, has been extensively studied and is widely accepted as a legitimate discovery in the field of paleoanthropology.

What hominid means handy man?

Homo Habilis

What is the prefix of hominid?

homo- meaning (in this case) man.

What does the name hominid mean?

early human

What is the name of the hominid?

Homo sapiens sapiens

What is the scientifical name for man?

The Latin name is Homo sapiens (knowing man, or rational man).Modern man is sometimes listed as a subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens to differentiate modern humans from Homo sapiens idaltu, an earlier hominid species that is very similar but not identical.