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the people and how dumb they are ... they use fear to scare the people and when people are scared they will do anything someone tells them if it will keep them safe ...People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.~ Benjamin Franklin

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Q: Name the document that is the source of the power of the national government?
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What document is the source of power national government?


What document gives the national government their power?

the constitution

What is the source of the national government delegated power?

the constitution

What is the document provided a government based on power shared between the national and state government?


On which clause of the Constitution regard national power?

There is no one clause addressing national (federal) government power. Practically the entire document is a collection of limits and blocks, and checks and balances set upon the power and authority of the federal government.

The source of the theory which advocated limited power of government can traced to which document signed by king john of England in 1215?

The Magna Carta

what delineates the power of the national government?

The power would be held by the national government

Which document gave states more power than national government and set up a weak central government?

Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union

What is the source of power for the US government?

The most important source of political power for the US government is the people.

Who has more power state governments or the national government?

In the Constitution the states were intended to have more power, and now National Government has more power but not as much power as a State government has on a State. In other words National government has more power to the country but the state government has more power to the state.

Who has more power the national government or the state government?

In the Constitution the states were intended to have more power, and now National Government has more power but not as much power as a State government has on a State. In other words National government has more power to the country but the state government has more power to the state.

The source of the theory which advocated limited power of government can be traced to which document signed by King John of England 1215?

The Magna Carta, signed by King John of England in 1215, was a document that advocated for limits on the power of the government. A group of barons forced King John to sign the Magna Carta to limit his power over them and protect their rights.