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Umm i think the constitutions gave the "US GOV" the ability to tax states and Draft? I just started in Va Us history a month ago so my US history is a bit sour and rusty. Please forgive if i am wrong = )

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Q: Name two powers that US Constitution gave to the national government and why it is logical for the national government to have these powers.?
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The constitution grants these powers to the national government?

Delegated Powers

Which powers are granted to the national government by the constitution?


What are exclusive powers?

They are powers given only to the national government in the U.S constitution.

What are the powers that the constitution does not give to the national government that are kept by the states?

reserved powers

What is the difference between exclusive concurrent and reserved powers?

* Expressed (Enumerated) Powers are powers specifically granted to the national government. * Reserved Powers are powers that the Constitution does not give to the national government and are kept by the States (As in state government). * Concurrent Powers are powers that both levels of government can exercise, such as murder. Expressed (Enumerated) Powers are powers specifically granted to the national government. Reserved Powers are powers that the Constitution does not give to the national government and are kept by the States (As in state government). Concurrent Powers are powers that both levels of government can exercise, such as murder. -Watson Fitts (16)

What is the name for the powers the Constitution gives the state government and forbid the national government from using?

"reserved powers".

What is the source of national government's delegated powers?

The US Constitution.

What is the source of national government delegated powers?

The US Constitution.

The reserved powers belong to who?

Reserved powers belong to the states. Reserved powers are the powers that are not granted to the National Government by the Constitution and they are not denied to the states.

The powers that the Constitution grants to the National Government in so many words?

Delegated powers :)

What are The powers that remain with the states after other powers were delegated to the national government by the Constitution?

Reserved Powers

What powers are given to the federal government by the US Constitution?

The 3 powers are:-1) The Expressed Powers - Those delegated to the National Government in so many words - spelled out expressly in the Constitution.2) The Implied Powers - Those that are not expressly stated in the Constitution but are reasonably implied by those powers that are.3) The Inherent Powers - Those that belong to the National Government because it is the national government of a sovereign state in the world community.exe cutitive, judicial, and legislative