spanish towns in America
The US has an open economy. This type of economy has a capitalist nature.
wealthy loyalists had left america.
The prosperity resulting from the strong economy.
Because they were counted as part of the European economy. At the time, Latin America was a colony of the Spanish, French and Portuguese empires.
nigerian economy
a large portion of the population does not have the skills that are truly needed by the economy for growth
actually Spain was at it's greatest at the time because they had discovered America and there was lots of valuables there.
Mixed. in India,The nature of economy is Mixed means it is the combination of capitalist and socialist economy.
Agriculture in Spanish America was primarily focused on cash crops such as sugar, tobacco, and indigo for export to Europe. This system was heavily reliant on indigenous and African slave labor to support the plantation economy.
No. America has the best world economy. Chile has the best economy in SOUTH America.
The import economy of the Spanish colonies was sugar, molasses, and slaves. The export economy was rice, tobacco, and rum.
America participates in a mixed economy.
No. It has a market economy.
North America in Spanish is: Norte America.
The nature of the economy in Nigeria is mixed and also defined as an emerging market. Nigeria's economy is experiencing increasing growth with a 7 percent increase in 2013.