Take control of the federal government
Opponents of affirmative action have argued that the policy actually promotes "revers" discrimination. This is because affirmative action favors people based on race instead of ability.
give them the right to voteIn other words: VOTE!
The antifederalist argued about the constition
To a very limited degree the Federalists actually preferred to have a "strong" central government. Many opponents to the federalists argued the point of danger inherent with placing so much power in the hands of so few so far away from the people that they were to represent. No "Party" in and of itself actually supported a centralized federal government although there were many individuals that did as well as many more that feared the constitution would give the federal government would illegally usurp that power. One of the methods for preventing this was the addition of the tenth amendment into the Constitution within the Bill of Rights. The Tenth amendment declared that the powers of the federal government were few and well defined and that any powers not specifically granted to the federal government by nature, reverted to the States and to the people.
In the debate, Webster argued that states did not have the power to nullify a federal law. He also argued that states could not secede from the Union. Daniel Webster held several offices throughout his career, including Senator from Massachusetts.
Opponents of affirmative action have argued that the policy actually promotes "revers" discrimination. This is because affirmative action favors people based on race instead of ability.
the Equal Rights Amendment
Segregation violated the Equal Protection Clause in the Fourteenth Amendment.
it limited united states sovereignty
He argued for a wall of separation between church and state in light of the Establishment Clause.
Some opponents of bilingualism argue that it can lead to a lack of proficiency in one language, confusion, and a divided sense of identity within individuals. They also believe that promoting bilingualism can be costly to implement in educational and workplace settings.
The "separate but equal" doctrine is most often held to violate the Fourteenth Amendment, but many have argued it also violates the Thirteenth Amendment by "applying the badge of slavery" to those targeted by segregation laws.
The opponents of Gnosticism were primarily early Christian leaders and theologians, such as Irenaeus and Tertullian. They argued against Gnosticism's belief in secret knowledge and its rejection of the material world, emphasizing instead the importance of orthodox Christian doctrine and the belief in a loving creator God.
give them the right to voteIn other words: VOTE!
It could be argued that prohibition violated the freedom of religion guaranteed by the First Amendment. However, according to multiple state supreme court decisions going back to 1855, prohibition laws were a violation of the US Constitution. This is why The 18th Amendment needed to be written to enact prohibition.
In the United States, the 26th Amendment to the Constitution lowered the minimum voting age from 21 to 18. It was argued that 18-year-olds were being drafted to fight in Vietnam, but they didn't have the right to vote.
marshall argued that segrgation was a violation of the fourteeth amendment marshall argued that segrgation was a violation odment idkvbse'Rtmkgw' stgkosdgvoksr thglsr hsperyue50ohkdrgohkdsr]odetk'[rtdkyd]rg f the fourteeth amen