The Philippine government has a unitary form of government
putang ina mo bigay mo meaning tanga!!
Executive, legislative, judisciary
Party rock
The Philippine Islands belong to the Filipino people as a sovereign nation. The government of the Philippines exercises authority over the territory.
The Philippine government has a unitary form of government
The strength of the Philippine government is that it is a democratic form of government which allows for public participation. Poor funding and corruption are some of the weakness of the Philippine government.
Philippine society in government transition
power of the mind, power plant, people power
if we have parliamentary gov't,people have no choice to vote for the becoming prime minister of our country.only
Law and jurisprudence function and empowerment in Philippine government?
The Philippine Government Act set up the government in the Philippines to mirror that of the US. The Philippines would be able to elect their legislature, however the governor would be appointed by the US congress. The Jones act of 1916 extended the Philippine Government Act by allowing the people of the Philippines the right to vote for all bodies of government.
ask the Philippine embassy
Should the Philippine Government be changed to parliamentary form?
2 slots was requested by the Philippine government
Section five article six of the Philippine constitution is the separation of the government from religion. What this means is the government can not interfere with the religious practices of the people in their homes or private educational facilities.