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Executive, legislative, judisciary

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Q: Philippine government structures and function
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Law and jurisprudence function and empowerment in Philippine government?

What Philippine government agency manufacture the Philippine passport?

What Philippine government agency manufacture the Philippine passport?"

Is the Philippine government unitary or federal?

The Philippine government has a unitary form of government

What are the strength and weaknesses in the Philippine government?

The strength of the Philippine government is that it is a democratic form of government which allows for public participation. Poor funding and corruption are some of the weakness of the Philippine government.

What is the Philippine society?

Philippine society in government transition

What is the study of the each structures function?

The study of how structures function is called physiology.

How does the Philippine government spend their money?

ask the Philippine embassy

Who owns the Philippine Islands?

Except for those that have private owners, the Philippine Islands are owned by the government of the Philippine Republic and through the government, by the Filipino people.

Should the Philippine government be changed to parliamentary form?

Should the Philippine Government be changed to parliamentary form?

What are structures that have the same function but different structures called?

homologous structures

How do vestigial structures work?

They don't, vestigial structures are biological structures with no known function that evolved from structures in distant ancestors that used to have a function that is no longer needed.

How many satellite orbital slots are requested by Philippine government from ITU?

2 slots was requested by the Philippine government