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Q: Powers that are not directly stated in the constitution are called implied powers who gets the implied powers?
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What are the powers that are suggested but not directly stated in the constitution called?

Implied powers

Government powers not directly stated in the constitution?

implied power

Powers in the Constitution that are not directly stated but are suggested are called what?

Implied powers

Powers not directly stated in the Constitution that have been interpreted as belonging to the national government are described as?

These are called implied powers.

The powers that are suggested but not directly stated in the constitution are called?

Congressional powers not expressed are implied powers.

What is powers not specified in the Constitution?

There are powers that are necessary and proper to execute the written powers, however, it was not specifically added in the constitution. This powers are called "implied powers".

What is the difference between delegated powers and implied powers?

In the Constitution, delegated (expressed) powers are powers that are explicitly given to Congress. Implied Powers are powers that are not written in the Constitution, but are implied by the Elastic Clause.

Powers not specifically granted to Congress in the constitution but suggested by the powers written are called what?

implied powers

Powers that are not specifically outlined in the Constitution but are necessary to fulfill the requirements of the Constitution are called?

Powers that are necessary to fulfill the requirements of the Constitution, but are not specifically outlined in the Constitution, are called implied powers. The opposite would be expressed powers.

Powers that are written in the Constitution are called expressed powers?

The powers of Congress that are written into the U.S. Constitution are called enumerated powers. The powers are set in the amendment of forth in Article I.

Powers not specifically granted to Congress in the Constitution but suggested by the powers written there are called .?

inferred powers... also legally known as implied powers

What describes powers not specifically listed in the US Constitution but that are necessary in order for the President to fulfill his or her duties?

These are called inherent powers. They are provided for in the Constitution by what is known as the "elastic clause."