President Nixon's alleged abuse of authority in The Vietnam War led to the War Powers Resolution of 1973.
President Nixons daughter married President Nixons daughter married
Patricia Nixon
President Richard Nixons Watergate Scandal
he served as president nixons secretary of state
President Nixon's middle name was "Milhous", his mother's maiden name.
President Nixons daughter married President Nixons daughter married
Patricia Nixon
unswerving loyalty and support
what was richard nixons salary as president
he continued richard nixons foreign policy
I'm an orange!
President Richard Nixons Watergate Scandal
President Nixon was a supporter of the Chliean dictator Augusto Pinochet.
President Nixon's middle name was Milhouse.
The 1972 Democratic Party Nominee for U. S. President was George McGovern.
Richard 2nd name Milhous
More American troops were coming home.