Bill Clinton
When Washington was president he stated that education was needed in order to help the people immigrating into the United States so they could learn how a democratic society works and can take part in the process and feel part of the social order. Immigrants often feel confused and isolated within a society and education opens doors so people can become active members of the society.
Bill Clinton
The consumer price index (CPI) provides a method for calculating the price changes that consumers and household managers face over a stated period.
It was stated that the president must give it in the Constitution.
Stated preference refers to what consumers say they prefer, while revealed preference is based on their actual choices and behavior. Stated preference is based on surveys or hypothetical scenarios, while revealed preference is observed through real-life actions such as purchasing decisions.
The president
All he wants to do is raise taxes... for regular people... not for the lower paid people. President Obama has stated that he wants to reform healthcare, education and energy. He has policy issues regarding the wars in the Middle East, and he has an economic nightmare on his hands.
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