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Several US Presidents had no children at all. While George Washington, Andrew Jackson, James Polk, James Buchanan and Warren Harding had no biological children, all had either adopted children or wards that they were responsible for raising. Harry Truman and Bill Clinton each had only one biological child.

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Q: President with the least amount of children?
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Yes. President McKinley had seven brothers and sisters and they had at least 10 children among them.

What is the least amount of money a president earned on his salary?

9 qauntillion dollars

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Lincoln. When he died he was 40,000 in debt. Not much today, but a lot in his time.

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Andrew Johnson had the least amount of formal education. He never went to a school. Of course there are other ways to get an education and there is no school that teaches one to be a good President.

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William H. Harrison granted none as well as James Garfield.

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This question isn't very well written but I believe you are asking if a child can be President of the U.S. The answer would be no. You must be at least 35 years of age to be President.

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the least amount is .2

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