Some individuals chose to support the Patriots during the American Revolutionary War due to ideological beliefs in concepts such as liberty, democracy, and independence from British rule. They were inspired by Enlightenment philosophies that emphasized individual rights and self-governance. Economic factors also played a role, as some colonists felt oppressed by British taxation policies and sought greater economic opportunities through independence. Additionally, regional and cultural differences between the colonies and Britain contributed to a sense of separate identity and loyalty to the Patriot cause.
People chose to be patriots so they weren't under the control of the king the rebels aka Patriots wanted to be free from him.
Well , actually , they thought that
During the American Revolution, quite a few reasons for joining the Patriot cause were advanced by advocates of independence. Perhaps the most convincing at the time for many American colonists were the following two: independence would rid the towns and cities of the intrusive British military presence; it would also mean that Americans would no longer need to make a single tax-payment to the "tyrant across the sea. "
During the Revolutionary War in America, colonists picked sides for a variety of reasons. Some chose one side or another out of loyalty to family or their local community. Some chose sides based on calculations as to who was most likely to win. Some chose sides based on value-commitments and political (and philosophical) ideas; for example, many patriots believed that large, insensitive, oppressive government was a basic evil that must be fought, even if the fight does not promise to be successful.
There were a few reasons which led loyalists to flee Boston with the British. The British Parliament made promises of freedoms and money to some loyalists. Others were afraid that they would be attacked by the patriots if they stayed.
they killed use
During the American Revolution the patriots were the people that believed that America would be better gaining their freedom from Great Britain. Crispus Attucks was one of more than 25,000 patriots that died for this cause. Nathan Hale was an American spy that gave his life for our country.
some were and some werent
During the Revolutionary War in America, colonists picked sides for a variety of reasons. Some chose one side or another out of loyalty to family or their local community. Some chose sides based on calculations as to who was most likely to win. Some chose sides based on value-commitments and political (and philosophical) ideas; for example, many patriots believed that large, insensitive, oppressive government was a basic evil that must be fought, even if the fight does not promise to be successful.
1.Why do you think Betsy was so suspicous about Mr. Heron's letter? 2.Why do you think Sam chose the Patriots when his family are Torys? 3.Tim is stuck between choosing Patriots or Torys for his side? Which side do you think he'll choose?
They are neutrals. some chose to be on neither sides
People are vegetarian for many different reasons. Some do it for a health purpose. Many do it to save animals / reduce animal cruelty. Some do it for medical reasons. Some do it for religious reasons. And many were raised vegetarian, so they just continue on doing so.
Some where neutralists because they owned Taverns/shops. Also some where not sure which side would win, and if they chose the loosing side they could be sentenced death! -charlotte
There are a variety of reasons for someone to chose Fidelity, India. Some of these reasons are that it is the best UK's best pension cash back offer, which is why people should choose them.
patriots would debate about freedom with patriots
it was hard becauses they had few right and they have been not in the will of fighting
Usually a slight draught from one side.
the reason is nomads traded animal products and desert herbs for goods such as cooking supplies and clothing.
Yes some did, some did not.
There were a few reasons which led loyalists to flee Boston with the British. The British Parliament made promises of freedoms and money to some loyalists. Others were afraid that they would be attacked by the patriots if they stayed.