wait ask bob she ate chicken
Charge for ironing a shirt, would depend on the type of material, special products used and time taken. The charge could be from $3 to $10.
To iron a polo shirt, lay it flat and iron the front. If the sleeves are long, lay them flat on the ironing board on each side of the torso of the shirt and iron them. Then, flip the shirt over and iron the back.
He invented an automatic lubricator for oiling the steam engines of locomotives and boats.
conference committees... at least that's what my govt book says.
After ironing out their differences, Congress sent President Bill Clinton legislation to terminate the ICC. On December 29, 1995, the 108-year-old ICC was disbanded.
Nothing :)
A ironing board cover helps to prevent heat transfer between the hot iron and the ironing board surface. The cover acts as a barrier to protect the board from heat damage and also provides a smooth, even surface for ironing clothes.
Yes, ironing does have a suffix. Ironing's suffix is -ing.
Elijah McCoy
i dont really know help
Yes you do like cleaning and ironing.
metallic ironing boards hold or reflect heat so by having a metallic base under your ironing allows you to iron both sides of the material at once. making ironing easier.
An ironing board cover that is only fabric would be more of an insulator between the wood or metal surface of the ironing board. An ironing board cover with a foam backing and an aluminum type fabric on top would be both an insulator as well as a conductor of heat, to have heat distribute more evenly through the item being ironed.
Most ironing boards are vented. If you do not have a cover on them, the outline of the vent holes will be pressed into your garment.
A cotton material is best for an ironing board cover as it is heat-resistant and allows for smooth ironing.