Global rules apply to all boards unless otherwise noted.
Those are the global rules of them
there are also the rules of /b/.
0. Don't f**k with cats!
1. Do not talk about /b/
2. Do NOT talk about /b/!!!
3. we are anonymous
4. anonymous is legion
5. anonymous never forgives
6. anonymous can be a horrible, uncaring senseless monster
7. anonymous is still able to deliver
8. there are no real rules about posting
9. there are no real rules about moderation either-enjoy your ban
10. if you enjoy any rival sites, DON'T
11. all of your carefully picked arguments can be ignored
12. anything you say can and will be used against you
13. anything you say can be turned into something else-fix'd
14. do not argue with trolls - it means they win
15. the harder you try the harder you will fail
16. if you fail in epic proportions, it may just turn into a winning failure
17. every win fails eventually
18. everything that can be labeled can be hated
19. the more you hate it the stronger it gets
20. nothing is to be taken seriously
21. original content is only original for a few seconds before getting old
22. copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality
23. copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality
24. every repost is a repost of a repost
25. relation to the original topic decreases with each post
26. any topic can easily be turned into something totally unrelated
27. always question a persons sexual preference without any real reason.
28. always question a persons gender-just in case its really a man
29. in the internet all girls are men and all kids are undercover FBI agents
30. there are no girls on the internet
31. GTFO-the choice is yours
32. you must have pictures to prove your statements
33. lurk moar. Its never enough
34. there is pron of it. No exceptions.
35. if no pron of it is found at the moment it will be made.
36. there will always be more fugged up crap than what you just saw
37. you cannot divide by zero (just because the calculator says so)
38. no real limits of any kind apply here-not even the sky
41. desu isn't funny. Seriously guys, its worse than Chuck Norris jokes
42. nothing is sacred
43. the more beautiful and pure something is the more satisfying it is to corrupt it.
44. even one positive comment about something Japanese can make you a weeabo
45. when one sees a lion one must get into the car
46. there is always furry pron of it
47. the pool is always closed.
Chat with our AI personalities
Rules Committee
what is the rules and responsibillities
Hart in his book, Concept of Law, has contemplated law to be a unification of two kinds of rules - Primary Rules and secondary rules. These two rules together make, what is known as a 'system of rules'. Secondary rules are of three types -1) Rules of change2) Rules of Adjudication3) Rules of recognitionPrimary rules and secondary rules must co-exist, each being sine qua non of the other.As per his thesis on the rules of change, he says that these are those which enables the modification of the primary rules. If primary rules are not changed then law will not be able to adapt with the changing time and will be of no use. Hart says that rules of change include repealing old rules and bringing new ones in place and amending the rules to suit the changing time and circumstance, which is in a state of constant flux.In light of a constitution, the amending power can be said to a rule of change. eg: Art 368 in the Indian Constitution is a rule of change. (It must be kept in mind that it also provides a power to the Parliament to amend, thus, is also a power conferring law).
The house rules committee drafts rules ( open, closed, or special), for the house debate.
The Rules Committee acts as the traffic officer of the House.
The 100 rules of 4Chan can be found here:
there is really no backup website for 4chan. if you really are missing 4chan, you can go to
4Chan was supposively going to launch an attack on Tumblr for Tumblr people "stealing their memes." 4Chan failed to take Tumblr down so easily.
Civil war, a stupid person named boxxy made 4chan a chaotic newfag station, anon then later stopped it, 4chan is back to normal now though
>Like this
The Pokemon board of 4Chan.
YES. Of course...
No, stay away
4Chan can be a fun place, it just requires a twisted sense of humor.. and it also depends on what board youre going...