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Q: Scene of a naval battle off the southern coast of Spain in which the British defeated the French fleet in 1805?
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What was the Major defeat in Virginia during Revolutionary War?

The battle of Yorktown. The Americans and French defeated the British

Who helped Washington defeat the British at Yorktown?

he defeated the British in the battle of york town. The British surrendered holding up a white flag.

Who fought off British warships that were trying to rescue General Cornwallis?

A fleet of French warships, commanded by Comte De Grasse, a French leader, defeated British warships and then blockaded the British army led by Cornwallis. The naval battle, known as the Battle of the Chesapeake, took place in September of 1781, with the final surrender of Cornwallis and his men taking place in October of the same year.

In the American Revolution France gave money and military support to the what?

During the American Revolution, France supplied the new American government with money (gold and French Francs), soldiers, and the French Navy. After the Americans defeated the British at the Battle of Saratoga, the French realized the American colonists could defeat the British regulars, and that helping the Americans would potentially weaken their hated British rivals.

What happened before the battle of the plains of Abraham?

The British defeated Lousebourge first to get an open route to the St.Laurance river which lead to Quebec. Wolfe and his troop came up secretly at night when the defease of the french was weak, the French were suprised to see thousands of red coated soldiers lined up neatly on the Plains the next morning. There were several events that led up to the battle. One of them was the british defeating Lousebourge to get an open route to the ST. Lawrence river which led to Quebec. The battle was driven by the British because they wanted the power that other countries had. Wolfe, who was led the British in the battle, came with his troops at night when the defence of the French was weak and attacked them in the morning.

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Scene of a nval battle off the southern coast of Spain in which the british defeated the french fleet in 1805?


Who won the battle of the Montreal?

The British defeated the French at the Battle of Montreal.

What was the scene of a naval battle off the southern coast of Spain in which the British defeated the French fleet in 1809?

It was 1805...Trafalgar.

What scene of a naval battle off the southern coast of Spain in which the british defeated the french fleet in 1805?

The Naval battle was off Cape Trafalgar. Nelson defeated a combined French/Spanish fleet under Admiral Villeneuve. Nelson was killed, shot dead by a marksman.

What was the scene of a naval battle off the coast of Spain in which the british defeated the french?


Leading up to the French and Indian War the British were?

Defeated at the battle at Fort Duquesne

What was the Major defeat in Virginia during Revolutionary War?

The battle of Yorktown. The Americans and French defeated the British

What happened at the battle saratoga?

the Americans defeated the british and therefore showed everyone [french] that it was possible for them to win the war.

Who defeated the British at the battle of Yorktown?

The Continental Army led by George Washington and the French Army commanded by the Comte of Rochambeau.

What do you think about the battle of the plains of Abraham?

The Battle of the Plains of Abraham was the decisive battle between the French and the English. It demonstrated that the French would be defeated and that the British would be victorious. It did not, however, end the French and Indian War. It was not until Montreal was surrendered to the British that the Canadian aspects of the Seven Years War was complete.

Who won the battle of Alexandria?

The Battle of Alexandria was fought March 21, 1801 in Alexandria, Egypt. Despite having a smaller army, the French were defeated by the British.

What was the battle in which the British navy under Nelson defeated the French off the coast of Spain?

The battle was the Battle of Trafalgar. It took place of the Cape of Trafalgar on the southwestern coast of Spain in 1805. Admiral Sir Lord Nelson defeated the combined Spanish and French navies. He was killed in the battle and shipped home in a cask of brandy.