Putting a law into place that only allows Americans to have one child goes against the constitution. America is the land of freedom. How many children Americans can have is a freedom and right of this country.
Only white families could afford to buy a house in the suburbs.
No, only white men over 21 could own land. Women and slaves were unable to own property.
there are only 4 but i know 2 indians move to reservastions and outlaws They are; 1.Native Americans would live on reservations in Indian Territory, 2. the government would provide Native Americans with supplies, 3. the army was not allowed on reservations, 4. Native Americans who signed the treaty agreed to stop warring on Anglo settlers. -E
No she was a 2nd child.
By today's standards, the Constitution wasn't very democratic because it only allowed males to vote. But, for the time, the Constitution was very democratic. Even though it only allowed white landowning men the right to vote, and not women or black slaves, it still allowed a huge percent of its population to vote. Yet the new charter also contained democratic elements. Above all, it stood foursquare on two great principles of republicanism: that the only legitimate government was one based on the consent of the governed, and that the powers of government should be limited.
Chinese are only allowed one child BECAUSE China is crowded.
They are not allowed to throw away the child's belongings.
Everywhere. China is so big that you are only allowed one child. If your first child is a girl you are allowed one more child. Did you know that in china one child is born every minute. In rural areas people are usually allowed to have more than one child.
there only allowed to have one child
It is popular. However, it doesn't apply to everyone. If you are married to someone who is an only child and you are an only child, you are allowed to have two children. Most Chinese people I have met here prefer to have only one child though as they feel like it would be too tiring to take care of more than one child. Also, I learn that if you are allowed to have two children, you may give up your right to have a second child and another family that is only allowed one child can buy the right to have a second child.
Everywhere. China is so big that you are only allowed one child. If your first child is a girl you are allowed one more child. Did you know that in china one child is born every minute. In rural areas people are usually allowed to have more than one child.
white men
A minor can only join the military with the permission of their parents and must be at least 17. An 18 year old can join the military on their own.
Each Chinese family is allowed only 1 child due to the population and lack of inhabitable land.
It allowed African Americans to serve in non-combat positions only
It allowed African Americans to serve in non-combat positions only
It allowed African Americans to serve in non-combat positions only