Queen Elizabth I =]
Spain and Portugal controlled the southern routes
The Spanish speaking world
Truly, the answer is Spain, but England bought the information from Spain and put it in maps.
which was the first country to send an explorer to the new world
for Spain to lead the race
Queen Elizabeth I.
i think Spain because Spain beated Germany
The referee for the final between Spain and Holland, was the English referee Howard Webb.
Queen Elizabth I =]
Spain took over Mexico because they wanted to rule the whole world.
It took the explorers traveling from Spain an averade of 17 weeks to get to the new world; But, from France, it took an average of 19 weeks because of the longer distance.
"Juicy" is "jugoso" in most of the Spanish-speaking world. In Spain, the word is "zumoso", since Spain uses "zumo" for "juice."
It was conquered. By Spain
Spain won the world cup , because they play the passing and keping the bal the Barcelona way, and score goals after frustrating the other team.
Yes, it was.
English is no longer being taught as a foreign language but is a cumpolsary language.