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The Speaker of the House is an office in the House of Representatives. The Speaker is the leader of the House. The leader of the Senate is the President Pro Tempore.

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Q: Speaker of the hosue is that the senate or house?
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Related questions

Is the Speaker the leader in the Senate or House of Representatives?

The Speaker of the House is the leader of the House of Representatives. The President of the Senate (who is also the Vice President) is the leader of the Senate.

Who is the next US federal official in line for the Presidency after the Vice-President?

the speaker of the house

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The Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate.

Who is the first woman in to be speaker of the house and president of the senate?

Speaker of the House: Nancy Pelosi (D) President of the Senate (Vice President): None

What is the titel of the leader of the house of representatives?

"Madame Speaker" or "Mister Speaker". the speaker is the leader in the house of rep. Senate has the vice president.

Who are the leaders of the Senate?

the senate leadership in the claosely paralles leadership in the House, but the senate has no speaker.

Does the house and senate have a speaker foe chief officer?

The House does.

Who controls the agenda for senate sessions?

The agenda for Senate sessions is controlled by the Speaker of the House. The Speaker of the house is currently John Boehner.

Can the speaker of the house end a filibuster?

No. The filibuster is a procedure used in the Senate. The Speaker of the House is the leader of the House of Representatives.

In contrast to the speaker of the house the senate majority leader?

The Speaker dominates the House, which is strongly partisan. In the Senate, the Majority Leader shares power with the Minority Leader.

Who is the day-to day-leader of the senate?

speaker of the house ;)

When the vice president is not there who officiates the senate?

the speaker of the house