The Chesapeake Bay
The last battle-- the Battle of Yorktown was fought near the Chesapeake Bay.
It was founded in 1629 by George Calvert aka Lord Baltimore and was claimed by Britain, and was founded as a mainly-Catholic Providence.
when the french sailed to the coast and prevented British ships from entering Chesapeake bay. Which then British surrendered
Maryland is divided by Chesapeake Bay
Maryland is divided, so to speak, by the Chesapeake Bay.
The states that cut into the Chesapeake Bay are Maryland and Virginia. The bay is roughly divided in half by the state line between these two states.
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Yes, Maryland does have an official state animal. Their official state animals is the Chesapeake Bay Retriever. The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is named after the Chesapeake Bay in the state of Maryland.
Yes, Maryland does have an official state animal. Their official state animals is the Chesapeake Bay Retriever. The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is named after the Chesapeake Bay in the state of Maryland.
The Chesapeake Bay seems like it divides Maryland into two.
The Chesapeake Bay Retriever was first bred in the state of Maryland in the United States. It was developed to be a versatile hunting dog, particularly adept at retrieving waterfowl in the Chesapeake Bay region.
Virginia is one state that touches Chesapeake Bay, it takes on the west coast and the southern end. Maryland is another that wraps around the bay and has bits on the western and eastern coasts.