Either the congress approves, they agree with laws in other states, they agree with the United States constitution, and the president approves them.
they could make thier own laws
The United States Constitution allocates the power to make laws to the Legislative branch.
protection and use of the law.
Article 1, section 1 of the United States constitution states who has the power to make laws. In the United States, laws are made in the legislative branch of government.
the 23 committee in the house of representatives
either the congress approves them,they agree with laws in other states,they agree with the united states constitution,or the president approves them.
The U.S. Constitution gave states the power to make their own laws.
make the laws
With regards to the United States, each one of the 50 states has the authority to make election laws that fit the needs of the state's population. As long as the election laws do not violate the US Constitution, these laws are fine. And, through the process of state elections, citizens may vote to elect candidates that have better ideas on the state's election laws.
The U.S. Congress makes the laws of the U.S.
Short answer --> NO. Long answer --> The president is not able to make a law. The president can ask congressmen and senators to propose a law. The president can sign bills passed by both houses and thus allow them to become laws. BUT, the president alone cannot make laws. Exception to long answer --> The president is allowed to enact executive orders that are similar to laws, but these are not as functional as legislative acts passed by congress.
When the states make there own laws for just that state
import or export taxes
You're not allowed to add booze to wine to make it stronger, but you're allowed to dilute booze with wine.
they could make thier own laws
the states make very important laws like: they issue licenses, they conduct elections, establish local governments,and ratify amendments and things like that.
The United States is a republic. We elect people to make our laws. There are too many of us for us all to go to Washington to make laws.