There were two presidents who were six feet four inches tall. Abraham Lincoln was president from 1861 to 1865 and Lyndon Johnson was president from 1963 to 1969. They were the tallest.
At this writing, 5/3/2010, no woman has ever been elected President or Vice President of the US.
No one has ever been elected by the Senate to be Vice-President of the United States. If the office of Vice President is vacant, the President apppoints a Vice-President with the advice and consent of the Senate. This is not an election, but a vote of approval. If a candidate slate for President / Vice-President does not obtain a majority of votes in the Electoral College, the decision falls to the House of Representatives, not to the Senate.
Thomas Jefferson served four years as vice-president and two terms as President. No other president that served two full terms was ever vice-president. Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge , Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson all served at least two years as vice president, became President and then were elected to one term of their own, but none served two full terms as President. Franklin Roosevelt ran for vice president but was not elected.
There has been no female elected to the Office of Presidency yet. Hilary Clinton was the closest a female has ever been to holding this office.
They aren't ever, the executive branch elects the federal judges for a term of good behavior. In otherwords the president appoints them, never elections.
He was 42 when he was elected as president....The youngest president to ever be elected back then!
all of them No U. S. President has ever been directly elected by the people.
Yes, he was. He was elected in 2008 and re-elected in 2012.
Just the opposite. At the time, he was the oldest president ever elected.
At this writing, 5/3/2010, no woman has ever been elected President or Vice President of the US.
No. The presidency was his only elected office.
a new president is elected ever 4 years. a president can only serve up to 8 years, which is two terms.
Just the opposite. At the time, he was the oldest ever president.
yes why
The youngest man ever elected president of the United States was John F. Kennedy. He was 43 years old when he was elected in 1960.