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praying towns

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Q: Term for New England settlements where Indians from various tribes were gathered to be Christianized?
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Term for New England settlements where Indians from various tribes were gathered and christianized gathered?

praying towns

What is the term for New England settlements where Indians from various tribes were gathered to be christianized?

Praying towns

Define praying town?

Towns in New England where Indians were gathered to be Christianized in the 18th century.

What were the Villages where New England Indians who converted to Chirstianity were gathered?


What were the villages where New England Indians who converted to Christianity were gathered?

Praying towns

Villages where New England Indians who converted to Christianity were gathered?

praying towns

What were Indians devastated by before the first English settlements in New England?

disease epidemics caused by contact with English fishermen

Did the shoshone Indians gathered?

help me

What did the Mohawk Indians gather?

they gathered stuff.

What do the ais Indians eat?

the Ais Indians Gathered Plants,Caught Fish and Shellfish and hunted

How did the Pomo Indians obtain food?

they fished, hunted and gathered.

What did the kiowa Indians eat?

they ate buffalo and vegidables they gathered