Jefferson thought he was pushing for a return to the Revolutionary War ideals. According to him the Federalists expanded the powers of government too much.
Hobbes had the ideas from the English Civil War that all humans were naturally selfish and wicked. Without governments keeping order, Hobbes said there would be "war of every man against every man." Life would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." To escape such a bad life, people gave up their rights up to a strong ruler and in return people gained Law and Order. Hobbes believed that an absolute monarchy was the type of government needed. Locke was more into a more positive view of human nature. He believed that people could learn from experience and improve themselves. He thought that they had the natural ability to govern their own affairs and to look after the welfare of society. He believed that people are born free and equal and government should protect these rights. He thought that the type of government there should be is self-government.
my dick. end of story.
They bribed state and local officials in return for government appointments.
The Anti-Federalists felt that the Constitution of 1788 granted too much power to the federal government at the expense of state power and desired a return to the Articles of Confederation, ratified in 1781. In contrast, the Federalists believed that the Articles of Confederation did not grant enough power to the federal government, and they are the ones directly responsible for the Constitution of 1788.
Anti-Federalists wanted a Bill of Rights, which they got in return for agreeing to the Constitution.
Jefferson thought he was pushing for a return to the Revolutionary War ideals. According to him the Federalists expanded the powers of government too much.
The Aztecs had this belief.
john smith
The government is required to give you money in return.
Andrew Carnegie.
Risk free rate of return or risk free return is calculated as the return on government securities of the same maturity.
The risk of a government bond is minimal, though the return from the government bond is very low compared to other lucrative bonds available in the market.When you opt for more return, there is more risk. Whereas though in government bond, the return is low, your investment is well secured and risk ratio is almost nil.
Chidi Okoye painted the point of no return because he believed that cubism started in Africa and not Paris
the Abbasid government represented a return to the principles of government in the first days of the orthodox calender