A monarch is a king or queen. The Tudors were a dynasty of English Kings and Queens that ruled from 1485-1603; they were King Henry VII, King Henry VIII, King Edward VI, Queen Mary I, and Queen Elizabeth I.
The first Tudor king of England was the Welshman Henry Tudwr , known in England as Henry Tudor, who became king of England in 1485 after defeating Richard the Third at the Battle of Bosworth.
Mary I Elizabeth I
hamilton history?
ten pence or half shilling a day
It is a Tudor school that young boys and girls went to to learn to read.
King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I
tudor monarchs must be prepared to
The monarchs of the Tudor Dynasty had numerous palaces all throughout England.
henry 7 elisabet
to produce a son as heir to the throne
Respectful and cooperative
No. Tudor times was the reign of the Tudor monarchs in England from 1485 to 1603. 1897 was during the reign of Queen Victoria, often called the Victorian period.
They saw it as a potential base for a Spanish invasion.
A+ a balanced, working relationship with parliament
That depends which Lewis. There have been many Lewis' throughout history. The Tudor Monarchs were Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward, Elizabeth and Mary.
This is probably the most famous: http://englishhistory.net/tudor/monarchs/boleynmainjpg.jpg
a balanced working relationship with parliament