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Potato Famine

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The Irish Potato Famine.

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Q: The caused many Irish people to immigrate to the US?
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What caused many Irish people to immigrate to the US.?

Most of the Immigration was caused by the potato famine, but some were caused when their king had switched to a England church because of his marriage. That caused England to be in control of Ireland which left them weak. Another when the black plague had spread to them from England and the Irish were mad at them cause now, England had made most of their troubles.

Why did Irish immigrate to California?

Between 1845 and 1852 The Great Famine in Ireland caused mass emigration to many countries including America

A famine in the 1800's caused many of this nation's citizens to immigrate to America?

A famine in Ireland caused many to immigrate to the US in the mid 1800s. The Irish economy became too reliant of the potato crop which was the livelihood of about one third of the people at that time. A potato disease that had spread through Europe wasn't as serious a catastrophe until it came to Ireland, where much of the economy depended on the potato.

How many people immigrate from England?

People immigrate TO a country and emigrate FROM a country.

A famine in the 1800s caused many of this nations citizens to immigrate to America?

Ireland had a massive famine between 1845 and 1852, even though 4000 ships filled with food grown in Ireland were exported to cities in England. British landlords in Ireland wanted to be able to make profit at the expense of starving Irish people. Those that left Ireland in "coffin" ships traveled to Canada, the United States, and even Australia.

Why did many Irish immigrate to other countries in mid 1800's?

The potato famine.

Is there any Irish people in Sydney?

Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.

What caused over 15 million Irish to immigrate to the US in the 1850s?

They famine caused many people to emigrate to the USA, but that was mainly in the 1840s and far less than 15 million. The entire population of Ireland prior to the famine was only about 8 million, many of whom died or emigrated to countries other than the USA or survived and stayed in Ireland.

Why did Irish immigrants come to America during the 1800's?

Ireland was an extremely poor country at the time, so many people left Ireland in search of employment and a better quality of life. The Great Famine of potato (1845 - 1852) also caused a large number of Irish people to immigrate to the United States, among other countries. Millions of Peasants died during Potato famine. Rather than starve many chose to leave.One and half million Irish sold their belongings and bought passage to the United States.

How many people in Ireland can touch there nose with their tongue?

Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.

What caused many Irish people to leave their country?

because they felt like it and it was because of poverty:meaning pour econemy

Do all Irish people drink?

No. Many Irish people drink, but many Irish people do not drink. It is just a stereotype.