In actuality, the Battle of Fort Sumter in April of 1861 is classified as an act of rebellion and or treason. The US Supreme Court ruled that the actual "war" began in July of 1861, when US President Lincoln addressed Congress to ask for more men and supplies to put down the Southern rebellion. As for the Confederacy, their Congress and Jefferson Davis made the statement in May of 1861 that the Confederacy and the United States were in fact now (meaning May ) at war with with the US.
At 4:30 a.m., on April 12, 1861, Confederates under Gen. Pierre Beauregard open fire with 50 cannons upon Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina and the US Civil War begins.
The beginning of the American Civil War.
Fort Sumter, a fort that remained in the union, was running low on supplies. President Lincoln had to decide whether or not to supply fort. If he did he risked war if not he would giving in to the rebels [the confederate]. Lincoln informed South Carolina that he would be resuplying Fort Sumter. Confederate leaders decided to take over Fort Sumter before the supplies ships arrived. On April 12, 1861, the confederates opened fire on Sumter. the attack lasted for 34 hours until the fort had to surrender. The Conferderate attack on Fort Sumter was the beginning of the Civil War.
First shots exchanged between the Confederates and the Union.
No, it couldn't be. That meant that the US was declaring war against itself!
The Civil War wasn't actually about slavery, it was about re-uniting the country for the North, and gaining states rights for the South. If the South hadn't seceded for the sake of their state's rights, there would not have been a war. The whole war started with the attack of Fort Sumter, where the confederacy and the Union fought over a United States Fort.The issue of slavery may have come to a heated discussion at some point, but there wouldn't have been a war without the secession of the confederate states.
The Confederate attack on Ft Sumter
The Confederates attacked Fort Sumter in 1861, starting the Civil War.
It was an American attack on a confederate military base.
The American Civil War
The first engagement of the War Between the States occurred at Fort Sumter, near Charleston, South Carolina, on 12 and 13 April 1861.
Yes, the Civil War started on the attack on Fort Sumter. The first major battle of the war was the Battle of Bull Run.
It was launched by Confederate artillery in Charleston - the first shots of the Civil War.
The first attack of the Civil War was on April 12-13 at Fort Sumter in Charleston County South Carolina. Result: Confederate victory.
Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard who directed the siege of Fort Sumter.
On April 12, 1861 the confederate army bombarded Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor.
Fort Sumter, South Carolina was attacked by Confederate forces on April 12th, 1861, effectively starting the American Civil War.
Confederate artillery firing on the Union garrison on the island of Fort Sumter in Charleston harbour.