The rash of strikes during 1919 were mainly due to the aftermath of World War I, and problems with labor and union power struggles. The Great Steel Strike was the most widely-spread strike. Other strikes in 1919 were the Seattle General Strike, Barcelona Revolutionary Strike, Dutch Steel Workers Strike, and the General Steel Strike in France.
The Boston Police strike took place in 1919 on September 9. The reason for the strike was to get improved wages and working conditions.
workers in the steel mills wanted the right to negotiate for shorter working hours and living wage. they also wanted union recognition and collecstell corportive bargaining rights. in September 1919 the u.s steel corporation refused to meet the union representatives. this caused the the strike of 1919
He Remained Neutral _ Key'love_
It ended on 21 June 1919.
John Lewis
The legislation that helped resolve the 1902 coal strike was the Anthracite Coal Strike Commission. President Theodore Roosevelt formed this government commission to mediate the dispute between the coal miners and mine owners, leading to a resolution that ended the strike and improved labor conditions in the coal mining industry.
1919 ended later in the year after the death of two people and hundreds injured.
Calvin Coolidge ended it. He used the state militia to patrol the streets.
The Strike Breakers - 1919 was released on: USA: 13 January 1919
Coal Mining - 1919 was released on: USA: 13 April 1919
The 1914 strike was ended with the Colorado National Guard and the Pinkerton's using machine guns on the miners during the Ludlow Massacre.
Where Has My Little Coal Bin - 1919 was released on: USA: 6 September 1919
The steel strike of 1919 caused a grievous setback crippling the union movement for a decade.
act that ended strike activity
The cast of The Strike Breakers - 1919 includes: Eddie Lyons Lee Moran