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The complexity of the American federal system encourages separation of power among the three arms of government. It also encourages the sharing of power between the central government and the states.

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Q: The complexity of the American federal system encourages what?
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The American government is a federal system. This means that?

powers are shared between state and federal governments

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They both have an Executive. ;)

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The "American System".

American Federal System solved how to maintain an efficient and effective central government and preserve national unity?

How has the American federal system solved the problem of how to maintain an efficient and effective central government and preserve national unity?

That the American system favored federal control or what was called big government?

Yes, the American system does favor federal control or big government to some extent. The federal government has authority over certain aspects, such as national defense, foreign policy, and interstate commerce. However, the system also allows for some power to be vested in the states through the principle of federalism, where they have control over issues like education, public health, and criminal justice. It is a balance between federal control and state autonomy.