public opinion
Martinet (just one synonym, there are a few more, look in thesaurus)
This system is known as "Caste Divisions."This system is called "Caste Divisions."and it's dieing out.
Congress has the power to regulate trade between the states. So, anyone who buys or sells anything outside their state is subject to Congressional regulation.
The teacher was known for being strict.
China is known for its strict monitoring and control of the internet.
they are known as the Civil Service.
Regulation E
Regulation E
A chemical known as hormone like Auxin
A chemical known as hormone like Auxin
In OOP, the concept of insulating data and from direct access by the program is known as
Although it's pretty easy to bypass, Bahrain has very strict laws over the Internet.
public opinion
Hans Selye is known for devolping the stress concept
Marx is best known for the concept of communism.