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It is called the Black land

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Q: The dry desert land not far from the banks of the nile is called what?
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What was the black land of Egypt?

The 'black land' called 'kemet' (kmt) was originally the name of of Egypt. It now refers to fertile land on the banks of the Nile. The ancient Egyptians used this land for growing their crops. This was the only land in ancient Egypt that could be farmed because a layer of rich, black silt was deposited there every year after the Nile flooded. The term "kemet" is often termed to mean "black land" though sometimes is seen as a racist word for in Greek, it means "black faces."

What is responsible for most of egypts population living in 3 percent of the land area?

Egypt is mostly desert so its population grew along the Nile River because it was a water source. Everywhere else is uninhabited.

Is Egypt beautiful?

Egypt is basically a big dessert with a river the river Nile flowing in the middle where the vegetation is green and the land is fertile. So one can say that it is very beautiful along the river Nile where all the ancient Pyramids and Temples are.

How did farming on the nile change after the aswan high dam was built?

when they built the dam it controlled the flooding .as the water backed up behind the dam, lake nasser was created.waters from the lake are channeled to water crops that grow in the dessert. water rushing threw the dam produces electricity. since the dam was built, the nile no longer floods the land

What river will play a sighnificant role in the hydropolitics of the middle east peace process?

The River Nile, The Tigris-Euphrates river basin, and the River Jordan all play roles in the hydro-politics of the Middle East. Water politics play an important role in the desert region.

Related questions

The dry desert land not far from the banks of the Nile was called?

It is referred to as the "Red Land" by the Egyptians.

Dry desert land by bank of the nile is called?

The Sahara Desert is the desert that is not far from the banks of the Nile. It is the biggest desert in the world, with an area of 9.4 million kilometres squared. It spans many different countries across the entirety of North Africa.

What is the dry desert land not far from the nile river called?

The dry desert land not far from the Nile River is known as the Sahara Desert.

What is the Name of the dry desert land of the banks of the Nile River?

The Sahara Desert. Plz be my friend, I'm lonely. T_T

What is the name of the desert off the banks of the Nile River?

To the east of the Nile is the Sinai Desert and to the west the Sahara.

What is the name of the desert close to the banks of the Nile?

The Sahara Desert, the largest hot desert in the world.

What is the Nile River surrounded by in Egypt?

Given the Nile is over 4,000 miles long it is impossible to answer this question exactly, however it would cover life-styles conducive to jungle to desert to villages to towns to cities.

What is the red land of the Nile?

The desert.

What is the Egyptian name for Egypt meaning the black lands?

The Egyptian fertile land was called Kemet (=Black Land) because of the fertile soil in the Nile river lands. Their desert land was called Red Landl

Why red land called red land?

well the black land is because the Nile River floods the land. So the red land is the rest in other words the desert

Why is red land called red land?

well the black land is because the Nile River floods the land. So the red land is the rest in other words the desert

What was the divided lands of ancient Egypt called?

Upper Egypt was the Southern portion, on the banks of the Nile. Lower Egypt was the Northern part, being in and around the Nile delta.