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Sectionalism ended the era of good feelings. People were for ones own region and against other regions. Regions disagreed about slavery, need for tariffs , national bank, and internal improvements - federal, state, and privately funded projects such as canals and roads to develop the nation's transportation system.

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14y ago
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13y ago

The era of good feelings was bad because of:

1) Panic of 1819, which caused significant economic disruption to the US and around the world

2) Arising slavery issues... Missouri Compromise, the Tallmadge Amendment, meant to prohibit slavery in the west failed to pass leaving the West open for future issues

3) North and South rivalry... North had more population, so more representation in the House, but the Land Act of 1820 made West land cheap, decreasing North population, and therefore also there representation in the House

The South had held 5 out of the past 6 presidents when the era closed, with 5 being from Virginia. The North saw this "Virginia Dynasty" as unfair

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10y ago

The era of good feelings ended because of the scandal created from the presidential election in 1824. The house had to choose who would be president and many believed the house was corrupt.

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15y ago

According to the late George Harrison, all things must pass.

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11y ago

the war of 1812

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