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Q: The founding fathers gave specific rights to the American citizens because sometimes one person's version of liberty may be different from another person's version.?
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The founding fathers gave specific rights to the American citizens because sometimes one person's version of "liberty" may be different from another person's version?


Why was Samuel Adams important in the American Revolution?

yes, but sometimes it can be different nicknames. one of them is father of the American revolution another one is the founding father.

IsGeorge Washington a American founding fathers?

Yes, he was the first American founding father.

What did the founding fathers want for all citizens?

Life, liberty, and happiness.

How do you become a founding citizen on smallworlds?

to be a founding citizen on smallworlds ;you need to be a citizen since 2008 beta ; if you are a founding citizen you may have received a free beta cape which only founding citizens can get unless it is sold separately

In what countries were the Founding Fathers born?

England, primarily. Alexander Hamilton was born on a Caribbean island. Some (including John Adams and James Madison) were born as English citizens in the American colonies.

Why did the founding fathers write establish justice?

The constitution was a set of ethical codes that the founding fathers wanted to create to protect the citizens, and the colonies. They wrote the laws not to establish justice, but as a way to define what rights citizens in the country were entitled to .

What was Clara Barton was best known for?

founding the American red cross and becoming its first president.

The people who helped establish your country are known as?

The people who helped to establish your country are often known as the forefathers or founding fathers of your country. The founding fathers of American would include George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

How would you define republic as described by the American after the American Revolution?

The Federal Govt. was charged, by the Founding Fathers with 2 jobs. The first was national defense and the second was to ensure, through the courts, that citizens rights laid out in the constitution were not infringed. That's it. The Federal Govt role was very limited so as to ensure the freedoms given to it's citizens.

What did the founding fathers mean by republic?

A state which is governed by the rule of law.

The Founding Fathers felt it was important that government?

The founding fathers felt it was important that government had specific and defined limitations so that it could not become too powerful and infringe on the rights of citizens. One of the ways they limited the power of government was by separating it into three different entities which all policed each other through different rights and responsibilities.