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Q: The greatest domestic program of the Eisenhower presidency involved building a network of?
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What were the major accomplishments of Washingtons presidency?

As I see it, his greatest accomplishment to me was the building of The White House... you can find pictures of the original White House on but the original was burned down in the war between the states so yeahhh

Johnson's greatest domestic and foreign problem?

The war in Vietnam qualifies on both counts. It was a terrible and expensive war-- expensive both in money and in the lives of our soldiers. It was extremely unpopular with draft-age students and others and resulted in Johnson's retirement at the end of his term.

How does the number of electoral votes of a state affect Presidential campaining?

The candidate who wins the greatest number of popular votes in any state usually receives all of that state's electoral votes. To win the presidency, a candidate must pay special attention to those states with large populations. The larger the state's population, the more electoral votes it has.

What was Kennedy's greatest domestic achievements?

I am going to give you my opinion that may differ from the Historians of the USA. I was so young when he was president. In my thoughts his greatest achievement was winning the hearts of the Americans. When he died we cried for three days and many businesses closed down. The entire country went into the slump. Now, as for presidential achievements, I think it is a miracle he managed to get the Russians to go home and take their nuclear missiles with them. Just what we did not need, nukes crashing down upon the southern part of the USA.

What was the greatest crisis of the American federal system?

The civil war was the greatest crisi of the American federal system.

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What was Dwight D. Eisenhower's greatest domestic achievement?

The interstate highway system

What was einsenhowers greatest domestic achievement and why was it important?

Eisenhower's greatest domestic achievement is sort of a matter of opinion. He signed the Federal Aid Highway Act in 1957 which was important because it established the US highway system. He also ended the Korean war which saved many American sodiers and other humans.

Who is the greatest general from Texas?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Who was the greatest thorn in Eisenhower's side was?

Richard Nixon

What was Eisenhower's greatest achievement as president?

he was a general as well a president.

Who was the greatest commander of world war 2?

Dwight David Eisenhower

What were the accomplishments of washingtons presidency?

As I see it, his greatest accomplishment to me was the building of The White House... you can find pictures of the original White House on but the original was burned down in the war between the states so yeahhh

What were Ronald Reagan's greatest difficulties in presidency?

realizing that it wasn't a movie

What were the major accomplishments of Washingtons presidency?

As I see it, his greatest accomplishment to me was the building of The White House... you can find pictures of the original White House on but the original was burned down in the war between the states so yeahhh

How much money did The Greatest gross domestically?

The Greatest grossed $115,862 in the domestic market.

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