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The legislative branch.

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Q: The house of representatives and the senate make up the 2 houses of?
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What does the two legislative body make up?

The House of Representatives and the Senate.

What two houses make congess?

The Senate and House of representatives make up the congress

The two houses of the legislative brance?

The Legislative Branch of the United States government contains the House of Representatives and the Senate. There are 100 Senators who serve 6 year terms, and 435 Representatives who serve 4 year terms.

What two houses make up the US Congress?

The Congress is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate. These two legislative bodies also make up the electoral college.

What are the two houses that make up the legislative branch of the US?

The Senate and the House of Representatives

What are two houses in the legislature called?

The two houses are the Senate and the House of Representatives. Together, they make up the Congress.

What two parts make up congress?

The two parts that make up Congress are the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate has two senators per state, totaling 100 members, while the House of Representatives has members based on each state's population, totaling 435 members.

What is the 'congress' and name the 2 houses of congress?

Congress is in the Legislative branch, they make laws. The two houses are The house of Representatives and the senate

What two houses make up the us congress and what branch of government do they make up?

The two houses that make up the US Congress are the House of Representatives and the Senate. Together, they make up the legislative branch of the US government.

What makes up Congress?

The us congress is bicameral, which means it is made up of two houses. The two houses are the Senate and the House of Representatives. Within those two houses and even between the two houses, there are many different committees that serve different purposes.

Which two groups make up the congress for the us?

The Senate and the House of Representatives.

What branch was formed by two houses of congress?

The two houses of Congress - the Senate and the House of Representatives - make up the Legislative branch of the U.S. government.