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Q: The issue of constitutionality figures most prominently in the consideration of?
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The issue of religion figured most prominently in the consideration of which of the following?

the establishment of puritan colonies in MA

Is a decision on a given issue by a court binding on an inferior court?

Yes especially when a Superior Court had issued on the case and made it a precedent then should the inferior court must abide by it.

What is the definition of town hall meeting?

A town hall meeting is an informal public meeting. Everybody in a community is invited to attend, voice their opinions, and hear the responses from public figures and ElectedOfficials, although attendees rarely Voteon an issue.-HeatherFeather

What was the basic constitutional issue resolved by the civil war?

The constitutional issue the Civil War resolve was the right of an individual state to unilaterally legally secede from the United States. While there is still some ambiguity around the constitutionality of allowing a state to secede with the permission of the federal government, it is now final legal precedent that unilateral secession by a state is unconstitutional. It is also resolved the issue around final sovereignty in the U.S. - that is, ultimate sovereignty in the U.S. is held at the Federal level, not at the State level. Thus, it answered the question that the United States was a single sovereign nation (a Federation), and not a conglomerate of sovereign states (a Confederation).

What is the definition of a position issue?

A position issue is an issue that different parties disagree on, as opposed to a valence issue, which is an issue that the electorate generally all takes one side on.

Related questions

The issue of religion figured most prominently in the consideration of which of the following?

the establishment of puritan colonies in MA

What do you think of the idea of holding national referendums to decide the constitutionality of very controversial legislation and policies like abortion?

People have different views about holding referendums for this purpose. My view is that national referendums would have nothing to do with constitutionality, but would only be a vote of what the people want or believe. Many, if not most people do not know what the constitution says or how to apply it to controversial issues like abortion, so a referendum would not actually determine an issue's constitutionality. We have a Supreme Court to determine the constitutionality of issues and even they do not always agree on the constitutionality of controversial issues.

Did the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri ever rule on the constitutionality of Missouri's ban on same-sex marriage?

No. This court has not ruled on the issue.

Did the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri ever rule on the constitutionality of Missouri's ban on same-sex marriage?

No. This court has not ruled on the issue.

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No. This court has never ruled on the issue.

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No. This court has never ruled on the issue.

Did the US District Court for the Middle District of Georgia ever rule on the constitutionality of Georgia's ban on same-sex marriage?

No. This court has never ruled on the issue.

Did the US District Court for the Southern District of Georgia ever rule on the constitutionality of Georgia's ban on same-sex marriage?

No. This court has never ruled on the issue.

Did the US District Court for the Northern District of Indiana ever rule on the constitutionality of Indiana's ban on same-sex marriage?

No. This court has never ruled on the issue.

Did the US District Court for the Southern District of Indiana ever rule on the constitutionality of Indiana's ban on same-sex marriage?

No. This court has never ruled on the issue.

Did the US District Court for the Western District of Louisiana ever rule on the constitutionality of Louisiana's ban on same-sex marriage?

No. This court has never ruled on the issue.

Did the US District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana ever rule on the constitutionality of Louisiana's ban on same-sex marriage?

No. This court has never ruled on the issue.