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Q: The natural rights philosopher who had the greatest influence on the Declaration of Independence with his Social Contract Theory was?
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Shows the decided influence of John Locke and the social contract theory of government?

The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence (1776) has had a major influence on people throughout the world because it?

Answer: provides justification for revolting against unjust governments. The Declaration of Independence was influenced by Enlightenment Philosopher john Locke. John Locke believed that all men were entitled to life, liberty and property. Thomas Jefferson used the ideas of Natural Rights as proposed by Locke. Philosopher John Locke's ideas were an important influence on the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson restated Locke's contract theory of government when he wrote in the Declaration that governments derived "their just Powers from the consent of the people."

Where did thomas jefferson get his inspiration for the declaration of independence?

Jefferson got his inspiration for the Declaration of Independence primarily from British political philosopher John Locke, who stated that men are born equal and endowed with natural rights. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was another significant influence; he set forth the theory of the "social contract" in which the government derives its right to rule only from the consent of the governed. Jefferson declared also that the French philosopher Montesquieu was a major influence.

The Declaration of Independence was influence by?

The Enlightenment and John Locke's ideas of natural rights and social contract.

What two documents most clearly show the influence of Enlightenment thinkers?

The United States Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen are two documents that clearly reflect the influence of Enlightenment thinkers. Both documents emphasize principles such as natural rights, social contract theory, and the importance of individual liberty and equality.

John Locke's social contract theory was embodied in?

the declaration of independence

Who was the English philosopher who influenced Jefferson as he wrote the decloration of independence?

The English philosopher who influenced Jefferson as he wrote the Declaration of Independence was John Locke. Locke's ideas on natural rights, social contract theory, and government's role in protecting individual liberties were reflected in the Declaration's emphasis on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Declaration of Independence and the Social Contract Theory both arose from which philosoph?


The declaration of independence restated the contract theory of government developed by?

T. Paine

According to the declaration of independencewho had broken the unwritten contract between the king and his colonial subjects how?

According to the Declaration of Independence who had broken the unwritten contract between he king and his colonial subjects

The seeds of the Declaration of Independence and the American revolution can be found in who's theory of government?

John Locke famously known as the Father of Liberalism, is equally important to social contract theory. His contributions to the classical republicanism and liberal theory are reflected in American Declaration of Independence.

What governmental theory provided the seeds of the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution?

Social Contract