what is the official printed record of parliamentary proceedings called
A Hansard.
yes, a written record of all proceedings is kept for the house of representatives and the senate
Congressional Record
You might mean rapporteur; it's French for reporter or record-keeper and in English means a person appointed to record and report proceedings at committee meetings and conferences.
i dont know, but i wish i knew. i came here lking 4 an answer and it had innopropiate stuff so, i had 2 change it. so sorry! - Maggie Cullen The Congressional Record
A Hansard.
a journal of the proceedings
A legislative navigatoriational.
The Congressional Record.
yes, a written record of all proceedings is kept for the house of representatives and the senate
Hansard is the official record of the proceedings of the House.
# A personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections kept on a regular basis; a diary. # An official record of daily proceedings, as of a legislative body.
In the British Parliament the official record of what is said and done is called Hansard.
court proceedings
congressional record.
Documentation is the manuals, readme, etc.
Yes, a written record of all proceedings is kept for the house of representatives and the senate