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Congressional Record

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Q: Which document are the proceedings of both houses of congress published in?
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Related questions

Where are all the speeches votes and hearings of the congress published each day?

congressional record.

Which document propposed that both houses of congress would be based on population?

Virginia Plan

Which document proposed that both houses of Congress would be based on population.?

The Virginia Plan proposed that both houses of Congress would be based on population.

What document proposed that both houses of congress would be based on population?

The Virginia Plan proposed that both houses of Congress would be based on population.

Is there any record kept of each Houses proceedings?

Yes, a written record of all proceedings is kept for the house of representatives and the senate

How often is the congressional record published?

The Congressional Record is a publication of the events and daily actions of the United States Congress.It is published everyday Congress is in session. Members of both Houses may edit their remarks before publication.

What is the 'congress' and name the 2 houses of congress?

Congress is in the Legislative branch, they make laws. The two houses are The house of Representatives and the senate

Is there two houses in congress?

No, Congress is one of the two houses of federal governement, the other one is the senate.

What two houses does the constitution provide for?

The constitution provides for two houses of Congress. These two houses are the Senate and the House of Representatives. The legislative branch is formed of the two houses of Congress.

A solution passed by both houses of congress is called?

A solution passed by both houses of Congress is called a Joint Resolution.

The Members of congress are chosen by?

The houses of congress are elected by the people of their states.

Congress is divided into?

2 houses