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Q: The potsdam conference outlined the plans to unify germany under one democratic government?
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Did the Postdam Conference outline plans to unify Germany under one democratic government?


What kind of government does Germany?

Germany has a democratic Federal Republic government.

In 1919 the democratic government in Germany was know as the?

government of constitution

What directly led to the eventual division of Germany into the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic?

Yalta Conference (1945)

What type of government does germany?

Federal, democratic republic

How was the postwar government of the United Kingdom different from that of East Germany?

The United Kingdom, a NATO country, had a democratic government. East Germany, a member of the Warsaw Pact, had a communist government.

How was the postwar government of Great Britain different from that of East Germany?

Answer this question… Great Britain, a NATO country, had a democratic government. East Germany, a member of the Warsaw Pact, had a communist government.

Is West Germany republican or democratic?

Government: Federal Parliamentary republic

What did the Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to?

demilitarize and establish a democratic government. starsuite

How was the postwar government of the United Kingdom different from of East Germany?

The United Kingdom, a NATO country, had a democratic government. East Germany, a member of the Warsaw Pact, had a communist government.

How was the postwar government of the united kingdoms different from that of east Germany?

The United Kingdom, a NATO country, had a democratic government. East Germany, a member of the Warsaw Pact, had a communist government.

Which agreement was reached at the postdam conference?

The German capital would be divided into four parts .