The federal Reserve which ironically is privately ran and in no way part of the government
To reelected political campaigns.
We the People is where government gets its power.
The people are the power of the government. The government is for the people and by the people. The U.S constitution was the biggest law that was ever made
Any American coinage is worth the face value minted on it however different other factors may vary it's worth and to whom it is valueable. Bluntly a 1972 fifty cents piece is worth 50 cents. But the coin does have value to precious metal investors, if it has silver in it which I believe no 1972 5o cent piece (US) did. To a coin collector a numismatist, depending upon the condition and the mint where the coin was minted would affect the value. The value of the coin will flunctuate over time as markets predict its worth for metal value and numismatic value. But it is always worth at least 50 cents US.
Mirage2000 belongs to which country?
the holy land, Turks and Christians,for religion,money and power.
The payee is the person to whom the money is owed.The payee is the person to whom the money is owed.The payee is the person to whom the money is owed.The payee is the person to whom the money is owed.
It belongs to the person to whom it is addressed.
An Indian is a native person whom belongs to a certain tribe.
from me
Woody belongs to Andy.
Yes they can help you - If the person who is going to cash it has a legal power of attorney from the person to whom the check belongs originally No they cannot help you - If a legal power of attorney is not available. A check can be cashed only by the person to whom it is issued and if anyone else tries to cash it (without a power of attorney), it is a felony and the person who tries it can be jailed for doing so.
The money belongs to the person to whom the Cash was paid to. For ex: let us say I issue a check for USD 500 to you and you deposit it with your bank. Once the bank credits the money into your account, you own the 500 dollars. Similarly, the person who got the check cashed is the owner of the money after it is cashed.
Wearing haute couture is an aspirational symbol of power and prestige reserved for those for whom money is no object.
It Depends: Yes - If the person who is going to cash it has a legal power of attorney from the person to whom the check belongs originally No - If a legal power of attorney is not available. A check can be cashed only by the person to whom it is issued and if anyone else tries to cash it (without a power of attorney), it is a felony and the person who tries it can be jailed for doing so.