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This would be considered a democracy.

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Q: The power to rule in your government comes from its citizens or people this make your government a?
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Where does the government get its power?

the citizens of America. Government gets it's power from the people who vote into office our elected officials. Our elected officials then create laws that govern society.

According to the Declaration of Independence where does the government get its power?

According to the Declaration of Independence, the government derives its power from the consent of the governed. In other words its power comes from its people.The government get their power from the people.The government gets its power from the people, you and me!! The American citizens.

Which form of government is ruled by citizens?

Democracy came from the greek word "demos"means people and "kratos"means power.(power of the people)

What disagreement did Jefferson and Hamilton have over the central government?

Hamilton wanted a strong central government that balanced power between the "mass of the people" and wealthier citizens. So people wouldn't get to much power Jefferson disagreed strongly with Hamilton's views of most of the citizens ability to make decisions for the country. Hamilton wanted a strong central government that balanced power between the "mass of the people" and wealthier citizens.

Republicanism is a form of government in which power?

Government through the will of the people can be manifested between two systems. In a direct and pure democratic systems the citizens legislate and vote on all affairs. In a republican system the citizens elect representatives to express their will. Thus, Republicanism power is manifested through representatives of the people.

Related questions

Where does the government get its power?

the citizens of America. Government gets it's power from the people who vote into office our elected officials. Our elected officials then create laws that govern society.

According to the Declaration of Independence where does the government get its power?

According to the Declaration of Independence, the government derives its power from the consent of the governed. In other words its power comes from its people.The government get their power from the people.The government gets its power from the people, you and me!! The American citizens.

Where does the government get its power according to the declaration of independence?

According to the Declaration of Independence, the government derives its power from the consent of the governed. In other words its power comes from its people.The government get their power from the people.The government gets its power from the people, you and me!! The American citizens.

Where does the power of government come?

the power of a government comes from its citizens willingness to maintain its power by going to war or paying it taxes

Who was invovled in Ancient Greece in the government called Democracy?

The adult male citizens. Democracy comes from the Greek words for People Power.

The source of powers of government in a democracy comes from who?

In a democracy, the source of power of the government comes from the consent of the governed, meaning the authority of the government is derived from the people through processes like elections and representation. This principle is known as popular sovereignty.

Where the government gets it power?

The power of the USA government comes from the people.

How is power used by the government?

It is used to force the people/citizens to do something. Although the government might have the power to do it, the government might not have the right to do it(authority) .

What are democracy define democracy?

Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives.The term comes from the Greek:"rule of the people", which was coined from "people" and "power"....

The source of power of government in a democracy comes from the?


Are citizens supposed have control over their government?

the citizens are not supposed to have control over their government because if the government didn't have power over the people, how would the government be making the big economic decisions without the reference of the people?

What type of government give citizens the power to rule and make law?

A political system that allows the citizens to participate in political decision-making, or to elect representatives to government bodies is usually called a democracy; which has been defined as " government of the people, by the people, for the people". Constituents