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Q: The regulatory mechanism of the market system is?
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What is a regulatory mechanism of the market system?

One market regulatory mechanism is consumer demand. People want one thing, and they want it safe, new, and cheap. Companies that provide the best succeed, those that create shoddy, unsafe, or expensive goods go out of business.

What is the basic coordinating mechanism is a free market system?

the basic coordinating mechanism in a free market system is Price.

A capitalist system is guided in its working by the?

market mechanism

What is the basic coordinating mechanism in a free market system is?


What is technology in market mechanism?

What is technology in market mechanism?

What are the traits of capitalism market system?

The traits would be that of property ownership, free enterprise, market mechanism and limited government role.

Why do some people believe that the market system is the best mechanism for allocating scarce resources?

Some people believe that the market system is the best mechanism for allocating scarce resources because it allows for competition, which can drive efficiency and innovation. They argue that market forces of supply and demand provide a self-regulating mechanism that can efficiently allocate resources based on consumer preferences and willingness to pay. Additionally, proponents of the market system often view it as promoting individual choice and freedom.

Was Enron in a free market?

No, it was in a regulated market, overseen by government regulatory agencies.

What is the role of capital market to Nigerian economy?

The role of capital market to Nigerian economy is to mobilize long-term funds. To provide a mechanism for mobilizing private and public savings and makes such funds available for productive purposes.

In a free competitive market what is the rationing mechanism?

Price is the rationing mechanism. Whoever can afford it, will by it.

What are the three parts of homeostatic regulatory mechanism?

The three parts of a homeostatic regulatory mechanism are the receptor (detects changes in the internal or external environment), the control center (receives information from the receptor and initiates a response), and the effector (carries out the response to restore balance or stability).

Why is the endocrine system considered a regulatory system?

because of the gravity of the earth ...