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Traditional aboriginal society is a close knit and interdependent unit. Each individual in the society has a specific role to fill.

For women these roles are knowledge of ceremony, art, paintings, and more.

The women in a traditional Australian society are to gather food, collect seeds, vegetables, fruit, small insects, and larvae.

The women are also going to play a role in child rearing, performance, and Arts and Crafts.

The traditional art of Australian Aborigines are stories. Each painting created has a story to tell, which is associated with food gathering.
Other artistic pieces will be in evidence regarding the roles as healers that women have.

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10y ago

Traditionally men in society have been the primary breadwinners and the backbone of the family. Men are seen as the strong part of the couple and are expected to be able to withstand anything life throws their way.

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Men and women together form a society. Both have very important role to play in society. Men are supposed to earn and provide for their family, women are supposed to bear and rear children so that they become very good citizens of a society.

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10y ago

Men assume a number of different roles in women's lives. They might be husbands, boyfriends, uncles, fathers, brothers, or sons.

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A woman is a human being just like males, they choose their own destiny. The role of a woman is to live their life.

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Which role in musical life was socially acceptable for eighteenth-century women?

For eighteenth century women, the role in music that was socially acceptable was that of a performer. It was not acceptable at the time for women to be composers.

What is the role of women in Shintoism?

women generally have the same rights as men do. shintoism allows for women priestess to lead in prayer in ritual in the Shinto shrines. in fact , the most revered Shinto goddess is Amaterasu, the sun goddess. Also , you don't see very much discrimination in the Japanese culture in which shintoism began and is most prominent. I would assume that women generally hold the same positions and roles as men do in this religion.

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The changing role of women in 1920s America was embodied by the image of the "Flapper".

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What rights do women lack in the work places?

Men don't see women being a better office holder than men. Women are looked down upon for leadership skills- there hasn't ever been a women president. Men sometimes see women as being less responsible and strong and capable as men are. Which is the opposite of true. Women are just as capable as men. God created us all equal. That probably doesn't answer your question correctly but I do think women are still looked down upon for leadership roles and such.

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