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three times as long as that of a Representative

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Q: The term of office for a senator is?
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How long is a state senator's term in WV?

A Senator's term of office is six years.A Senator's term of office is six years.A Senator's term of office is six years.A Senator's term of office is six years.A Senator's term of office is six years.A Senator's term of office is six years.

When the Senator was elected to a second term what was he?

When the Senator was elected to a second term, he continued to serve in office for an additional term.

What is the length of the term of office for a senator?


What is the length of the term of office for Senator?


What is the term for office for senator?

In the US he or she is elected to a six year term.

What is the length of term of the office of a senator?

6 years

How longis a term of office for a senator?


What is the senator's term in office?

4 years to be exact

What is the length of term of office for a senator?

the answer is 4 years

How do you remove a Senator from office?

Vote him/her out when the term is up.

What is the term of office for a senator for Brazil?

8 Years

Why does senator not have a set term?

Senators DO have a set term of office. They can be re-elected.