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The three branches of the U.S. government are the Legislative branch, the Executive branch, and the Judicial branch.

The Legislative branch is described in Article I of the Constitution; it is comprised of the Senate and the House of Representatives; it makes and passes laws and the national budget; it votes on bills; approves the appointed federal judges and can declare war.

The Executive branch is described in Article II of the Constitution; it is comprised of the President of the United States and his Cabinet; it enforces laws; makes treaties; and the President signs or vetoes bills.

The Judicial branch is described in Article III of the Constitution; it is comprised of all the courts in the land; it interprets laws and punishes lawbreakers; it decides whether laws are constitutional or not.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Article I (1): Legislative Branch (head-->Congress): creates the law

- Can pass legislation dealing with congressional powers stated in the US Constitution to gain more power

Article II (2): Executive Branch (head-->President): enforces the law

- Can issue presidential acts to gain more power

Article III (3): Judicial Branch (head-->US Supreme Court) : interprets the law

- Can deem acts constitutional or not AND can interpret the "spirit of the constitution" to gain more power (JUDICIAL REVIEW- MARBURY V. MADISON- 5 U.S. 137)

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βˆ™ 14y ago

the three branches of the government is executive,legislative, and judicial. the executive branch is the president the legislative branch is the law makers and the juicial branch is the judges or court.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The three branches of government are Legislative, Executive,and Judicial.

Legislative: They formulate the laws.

Executive: They enforce the laws.

Judicial: They deal with court.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

the three branches of our government are executive branch,legislative branch, and judicial branch. the executive branch is being able to veto or reject a proposal for a law. the legislative branch is headed by congress which includes the senate and the house of representatives.the judicial branch determines whether the constitution allows certain laws to be passed.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Legislative-makes the laws

Judical-explain the law of this country under the Constitution

Executive-make sure the laws are obeyed

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