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Send troops into action!



it limits the president to send troops in action for more than 60 days w/o express congressional authorization. Congress can call the president to account during this time and he can ask for an extension. He can appeal this. The war power act was enacted to limit the presidential power to act against congressional will, basically as a rouge president, which has really come about since WWII. Congress, even prior to the war powers act, has the power to formally declare war and fund wars. So the 60 days is sort of free funding, after that they pull the funding after all the hearings.

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Q: The war powers act limits the president's power to?
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What act limits the president's ability to send troops into battle without a declaration of war?

The War Powers Resolution of 1973 is an attempt to set such limits. There is a question about its constitutionality. It has not been upheld by the Supreme Court and presidents do not always obey it.

What act passed in 1973 restricted the presidents powers to use troops in foreign conflicts?

War Powers Act

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The War Powers Act.

Is the War Power Act unconstitutional?

For the most part Presidents have ignored the War Powers Act partly on the grounds that it is Unconstitutional for one branch of government to either increase or decrease the power of another branch. separation of power

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Probably all of them.

What is war powers?

The War Powers Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-148) limits the power of the President of the United States to wage war without the approval of Congress.

What is the war power?

The War Powers Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-148) limits the power of the President of the United States to wage war without the approval of Congress.

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What did congress pass to stop the growth of the imperial presidency and restrict the presidents was making powers?

War Powers Act